
Working on Travel aka Trains and Boats and Planes

During 2019, I’ve been busy with an interview project about life and travels of artists. I’ve interviewed no less than eighteen bright and generous and smart people. The interviews will be posted on workingontravel.tumblr.com during the autumn. Very much worth a read! The interviews are also published in a book with the same name, that is distributed by Skogen. The book will be available online as a pdf within a near future.TBT_liten
Moa Schulman made the visual material.

The project is coproduced by Skogen and supported by Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse.

Blogging in another place

Three times, I will write for the Swedish theatre blog Teaterrummet, all Swedish texts.

The first text is about Swedish politics and was written around the time of the elections:
It is here.

The second text is about death and dramaturgy and was written when my grandmother died:
It is here.

The third text is an investigation of the dramaturgies of sleeplessness:
It is here.